Seattle Public Schools

Prevention and Intervention

SBIRT and Check Yourself

What is SBIRT and Check Yourself?

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral To services (SBIRT)

Seattle Public Schools is committed to supporting students’ academic, physical, social and emotional wellbeing. The SBIRT program is used to identify, reduce, 防止青少年滥用药物,支持学生的心理健康和人身安全. In alignment with SPS’ Strategic Plan, SBIRT模式包括普遍筛选,通过减少在识别和响应学生需求过程中的偏见,为学生创造一个安全和欢迎的环境, and by destigmatizing access to behavioral health services. SBIRT是与金县社区和人类服务部以及美国政府合作提供的.S. Department of Health and Human Services. SBIRT has three main components:

  • Screening: Students take an interactive, secure, 15-20分钟的网络调查问卷,名为“检查你自己”,提供关于健康行为的即时个性化反馈,并帮助确定学生是否需要额外的支持. Students answer questions about their strengths, goals, coping strategies, substance use, mental health, and safety.
  • Brief Intervention: Based on Check Yourself results, SPS工作人员将与要求支持或表示潜在需求的学生联系,以确定是否需要进一步支持. If needed, the student may have short, 与SPS工作人员进行持续的对话,重点关注学生的优势和能力, 旨在连接学生和他们的父母和其他策略的成功.
  • Referral To services: If a student needs additional support, 卫生服务人员可根据学生的特殊需要,将学生及其家庭转介到学校或社区服务机构.

Developed by Seattle Children’s Hospital, “自我检查”问卷包含了经过验证的筛查工具,是一项重要的创新,填补了以优势为基础的青年健康促进和物质使用预防方面的空白. 金郡的青少年和家庭都参与了Check Yourself的发展, 他们的反馈对于编制一份全面的调查问卷至关重要, culturally responsive, and youth friendly. In the 2022-23 school year, the SBIRT program helped identify the strengths and needs of 2,895 SPS students, and when appropriate, connected them with services and resources for support.

2022-23 Infographic

Frequently asked questions

SBIRT is a successful, proactive approach to providing support to students. 学生们表示,SBIRT项目为他们提供了一种安全、舒适的方式来表达他们的需求. It sparks conversation between students and school staff, who can provide support and motivate students to make healthy choices. In the 2022-23 school year, over 2,800 students were screened. 在这些学生中,10%的人在筛查前对学校工作人员一无所知. SBIRT项目有助于及早发现这些问题,使课堂干扰最小化,并减少密集的支持.

Yes! Taking the Check Yourself questionnaire is voluntary. SPS工作人员向学生介绍SBIRT和自我检查问卷,并解释筛查的原因. 问卷首先要求学生表示他们同意参与. 家长也可以通过联系学校的主要办公室来选择他们的孩子不参加, counseling team, or designated SBIRT staff.

截至2023-24学年,SBIRT在所有12所SPS综合中学实施. 富兰克林高中和英格拉姆高中也实施了SBIRT计划.

At participating schools, the Check Yourself questionnaire is given universally to 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. Select schools may also universally screen 6th grade. “自我检查问卷”偶尔也会发给那些可能因自我推荐而被确认的指定学生, low attendance, substance use disciplinary actions, or other objective student data sources.

No, the Check Yourself questionnaire is not diagnostic. 学生的成绩只会向学校工作人员表明,学生可能会从支持中受益. When indicated, 学校工作人员将与学生一起检查他们的结果,并与学生讨论他们对支持的需求. 然后,工作人员可以联系学生的家人或将学生转介到其他适当的资源和服务.

调查问卷将由学校的预防和干预专家进行管理,他们将对调查结果进行初步审查. 学生要知道,个人的回答可能会酌情与相关的卫生服务人员(如学校辅导员或学校护士)分享. 如果学生表示对自己或他人有危险,家长/监护人会得到通知. Students are assigned a proxy ID when taking the questionnaire; no student names or SPS student ID numbers are used during the screening process. 来自筛选的匿名数据与区和县一级的SBIRT工作人员共享,以确定所需的资源, identifying trends, and examining bias or disparity in SBIRT response.

SPS SBIRT staff protect student privacy in several ways:

  • 当学生参加“自我检查”问卷时,他们会被分配一个代理身份证号码,这个号码只能由学生所在学校的SBIRT工作人员识别.
  • When taking the questionnaire, 学生们在教室里被隔开,由课堂老师和SBIRT的工作人员监控,以最大限度地保护隐私.
  • 如果学生在填写问卷时输入了自己的姓名或任何其他可识别的信息, SBIRT staff work to remove the identifying information from the system.
  • SPS SBIRT staff follow up with students confidentially and discretely. 学生们被要求在不同的课堂上与SBIRT的工作人员见面,而不是他们参加问卷调查的时间, unless there is an immediate safety concern.
  • 安全的、受密码保护的数据指示板(Tickit Health)捕获匿名的SBIRT数据.

每所学校根据适用的法律和西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线的政策制定并实施自己的家庭参与计划*. SBIRT engagement activities include information tables at curriculum nights, family education events, and postings on school and SPS websites. 作为开学包的一部分,家庭在学年开始时收到有关该计划的直接书面通知, and again one week prior to their student’s screening date. 此外,如果他们的孩子的结果表明安全风险很高,家庭将得到通知.

*Includes: The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA); the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); Board Policy 3232 Parent/Guardian & Student Rights in Administration of Surveys, Analysis, or Evaluations; Board Policy 2145 Suicide Prevention. For more information, contact the SPS Prevention and Intervention Program.